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Lens Voigtlander 15mm f/4.5 Super Wide-Heliar Aspherical III - Z Mount

Voigtlander 15mm f/4.5 Super Wide-Heliar Aspherical III - Z Mount
Voigtlander 15mm f/4.5 Super Wide-Heliar Aspherical III - Z Mount Voigtlander 15mm f/4.5 Super Wide-Heliar Aspherical III - Z Mount
  • Lens Type: Супер широкоъгълен ръчнофокусен обектив
  • Compatibility (Lens Mount): 35mm Nikon (Z)
  • Focal Length (35mm Equivalent): 15mm
  • Maximum Aperture: f/4.5
  • Minimum Focus Distance: 12.6 cm
  • Filter Diameter: 58 mm
  • Dimensions: 67mm x 67.6mm
  • Weight: 290 g
  • Others: Електронни контакти
Price: 1 599,00 BGN


The Voigtlander 15mm f/4.5 Super Wide-Heliar Aspherical III lens is a super wide-angle manual focus prime lens for mirrorless cameras with full-frame sensors.

An updated optical design helps eliminate color fringing and reduce distortion, while an aspherical element controls spherical aberrations and improves image clarity and sharpness.

The manual focus design and minimum focus distance of 12.6cm provide smooth and precise control.

The ten-blade aperture contributes to smooth and pleasing bokeh.

The built-in hood of the Voigtlander 15mm f/4.5 Super Wide-Heliar Aspherical III protects the front element and helps control flare and halos.

Electronic contacts transfer all Exif data between the camera and the lens to allow full use of the camera's functions.


General features
Filter Thread58 mm
Aperture Max f / 4.5
Aperture Min f / 22
Image Stabilization No.
Minimum Focus Distance12.6 cm
Optical Design9/11
Angle of View 110 °
Diaphragm Blades 10
Size67mm x 67.6mm
Weight290 g
bg Български

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