Battery Monolights 1 - 12 of 18
Lighting Godox Godox H200R Round Flash Head For SD200
- Maximum power: 200Ws
- Maximum head power: 4.3W
- Modeling light: LED type
- Built-in wireless receiver: No

You can receive a notification when it is available or order now, and we will ship it to you as soon as possible.
If you order now, our employee will contact you with delivery details.
Flash Godox AD100Pro
- Portable flash with pocket dimensions: 100Ws
- Built-in 2.4GHz Godox X-system wireless receiver
- TTL with X1, X2 or XPRO transmitters (sold separately)
- Range: 100m
- Recharge time: 0.01-1.5s
- Light modes: Auto, Manual, Multi
- Power adjustment: 9-stop (1 / 256-1 / 1)
- HSS: 1 / 8000s
- Modeling LED lamp: 1.8W (Brightness: 1-10)
- Li-Ion battery 7.2V / 2600mAh
- 360 pulses at full power
- Weight: 524 grams
You can receive a notification when it is available or order now, and we will ship it to you as soon as possible.
If you order now, our employee will contact you with delivery details.
Flash Godox AD200 Pro II
- Powerful portable flash: 200Ws
- 1 x F resnel and 1 x Bare Bulb pulse flash
- Integrated Godox X-system 2.4GHz wireless receiver
- Compatibility: Canon E-TTL II, Nikon i-TTL, Sony TTL
- Modes: Manual, TTL and Multi
- HSS: 1 / 8000s
- Color temperature: 5600 ± 200K
- Lithium Ion Battery (14.4V, 2900mAh)
- 520 full power pulses
- Recharge time: 0.01 - 2.1 sec
- Range: over 100m with X1 as transmitter
Product is available in:
ФотоСинтезис София, бул. “Васил Левски” 57
Currently: open (work hours 10:00-20:00)
Flash Godox AD300Pro
- Powerful portable flash: 300Ws
- Built-in 2.4GHz Godox X-system wireless receiver
- Compatible with Canon E-TTL II, Nikon i-TTL, Sony TTL, Olympus / Panasonic, Fujifim and Pentax
- Recharge time: 0.01-1.5s
- Modes: Wireless Off, M / Multi, TTL / M / Multi, Slave
- Power adjustment: 9-stop
- HSS: 1 / 8000s
- Modeling LED lamp: 3000-6000K
- Li-Ion battery 14.4V 2500mAh
- 320 pulses at full power
- Weight: 1.25kg
You can receive a notification when it is available or order now, and we will ship it to you as soon as possible.
If you order now, our employee will contact you with delivery details.
Flash Godox R1200 Ring Flash Head for AD1200 Pro
- Ring flash/alternative head for AD1200 Pro Battery Pack
- Can be used as a main or fill light
- Brilliant lighting with a soft halo shadow , suitable for fashion, portraits
- Unobtrusive when used as a fill light
- Optional reflectors and grid
- Can be mounted on a stand or directly on the camera
- Power: 1200W
- Modeling lamp: 40W
- Dimensions: 205x205x80 mm
- Weight: 1.7 kg
You can order it now and our employee will contact you with details of the delivery time within the next business day.
Flash Godox GODOX AD400 PRO
- Power: 400Ws
- Built-in wireless receiver
- Compatible with most TTL systems (Canon, Nikon, Sony, Panasonic, etc.)
- Reload: 0.01-0.9s
- Modes: Wireless Off, M/Multi, TTL/M/Multi, Slave
- Power adjustment: 9 steps
- Pulse: 1/240 - 1/12820s
- Guide number: 72 m (ISO 100, standard reflex)
- LED lamp: 30W, 4800K,
- Li-Ion battery 21.6V 2600mAh
- 390 pulses 1/1
- Dimensions: 10.2 x 12.8 x 22 cm
- Weight: 2.1 kg
You can receive a notification when it is available or order now, and we will ship it to you as soon as possible.
If you order now, our employee will contact you with delivery details.
Flash Profoto A2 Monolight Flash
- Super compact flash
- Power: 100Ws
- Compatible with all light modifiers with Profoto Clic
- Recharge Time: 0.1-1.6 sec.
- Power adjustment: 10-stop
- Range up to 100 m
- Compatible with Profoto AirX
- Modeling LED lamp: 3500K
- Li-Ion battery with a charging time of 2 hours
- 400 pulses at full power
- Weight: 0.773 kg
You can receive a notification when it is available or order now, and we will ship it to you as soon as possible.
If you order now, our employee will contact you with delivery details.
Flash Godox AD1200 Pro Battery Powered Flash System
- Flash with external rechargeable battery
- Power: 1200Ws
- Color temperature: 5600K
- Built-in wireless receiver
- Compatible with most TTL systems
- Recharge: 0.01-2sec
- Modes: High-speed sync, second curtain, slow sync, strobe
- Pulse: t.1: 1/10,860 to 1/220 sec
- Guide number: 124 m (ISO 100)
- LED lamp: 40W
- Li-Ion battery (36V/5200mAh) for up to 500 (1/1) pulses with one charge
- Weight: 8.25 kg
Product is available in:
ФотоСинтезис София, бул. “Васил Левски” 57
Currently: open (work hours 10:00-20:00)
Monolight Profoto B10X
- Compact wireless candy bar
- Lens size and shape
- 250 Ws power
- Recharge in 0.05 - 1.3 sec.
- Can be used as permanent lighting - up to 10000 lux with OCF Magnum
- 3000-6500K color temperature
- Compatible with Profoto AirTTL
- Compatible with over 100 Profoto modifiers, including OCF
- Possibility to place a photo tripod
- Up to 400 flashes at full power
- Up to 65 minutes of constant lighting
- Compact wireless candy bar
- Lens size and shape
- 250 Ws power
- Recharge in 0.05 - 1.3 sec.
- Can be used as permanent lighting - up to 10000 lux with OCF Magnum
- 3000-6500K color temperature
- Compatible with Profoto AirTTL
- Compatible with over 100 Profoto modifiers, including OCF
- Possibility to place a photo tripod
- Up to 400 flashes at full power
- Up to 65 minutes of constant lighting
Product is available in:
ФотоСинтезис София, бул. “Васил Левски” 57
Currently: open (work hours 10:00-20:00)
Product is available in:
ФотоСинтезис София, бул. “Васил Левски” 57
Currently: open (work hours 10:00-20:00)
Monolight Profoto B10X Plus
- Compact wireless candy bar
- Lens size and shape
- 500 Ws power
- Recharge in 0.05 - 2 sec.
- Can be used as permanent lighting - up to 10000 lux with OCF Magnum
- 3000-6500K color temperature
- Compatible with Profoto AirTTL
- Compatible with over 100 Profoto modifiers, including OCF
- Possibility to place a photo tripod
- Up to 200 flashes at full power
- Up to 65 minutes of constant lighting
- Compact wireless candy bar
- Lens size and shape
- 500 Ws power
- Recharge in 0.05 - 2 sec.
- Can be used as permanent lighting - up to 10000 lux with OCF Magnum
- 3000-6500K color temperature
- Compatible with Profoto AirTTL
- Compatible with over 100 Profoto modifiers, including OCF
- Possibility to place a photo tripod
- Up to 200 flashes at full power
- Up to 65 minutes of constant lighting
You can order it now and our employee will contact you with details of the delivery time within the next business day.
You can order it now and our employee will contact you with details of the delivery time within the next business day.
Flash Profoto Profoto 901028 B1X 500 Air TTL To-Go Kit
- B1X 500 Air TTL To-Go Kit is a powerful, high-speed synchronized (1 / 8,000s) high-speed, light-fast Pulse Lighting and wireless TTL functionality. It is suitable for both outdoor and hard-to-reach locations. The kit features 1 TTL flash powered by a powerful Li-Ion battery that provides 325 to 83,200 pulses depending on the power used.
- Pulse length (t 0.5) Freeze: 1/1 000 - 1/19 000 sec.
- Pulse length (t 0,5) Normal: 1/1 000 - 1/11 000 sec.
- Regulation: 1/10 and full grade (1 / 256-1 / 1)
- Color Temp.: 5600 ° К
- Power: 500 WS
- Pilot lamp: 24W LED (130W)
- Recharge: 0.1-1.9 sec.
You can order it now and our employee will contact you with details of the delivery time within the next business day.
- Compact wireless candy bar
- Lens size and shape
- 250 Ws power
- Recharge in 0.05 - 1.3 sec.
- Can be used as permanent lighting - up to 10000 lux with OCF Magnum
- 3000-6500K color temperature
- Compatible with Profoto AirTTL
- Compatible with over 100 Profoto modifiers, including OCF
- Possibility to place a photo tripod
- Up to 400 flashes at full power
- Up to 65 minutes of constant lighting
Monolight Profoto B10X
- Compact wireless candy bar
- Lens size and shape
- 250 Ws power
- Recharge in 0.05 - 1.3 sec.
- Can be used as permanent lighting - up to 10000 lux with OCF Magnum
- 3000-6500K color temperature
- Compatible with Profoto AirTTL
- Compatible with over 100 Profoto modifiers, including OCF
- Possibility to place a photo tripod
- Up to 400 flashes at full power
- Up to 65 minutes of constant lighting
Product is available in:
ФотоСинтезис София, бул. “Васил Левски” 57
Currently: open (work hours 10:00-20:00)
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