Audio Interfaces 1 - 12 of 34
audio interface Rode Ai Micro Compact Audio Interface
- Ultra-compact two-channel audio interface for studio-quality recording
- Compatible with microphones with 3.5 mm jack
- High-quality headphone output for zero-latency monitoring and playback
- Universal compatibility with all devices via USB output (USB-A, USB-C and Lightning cables included)
- Advanced functionality through Rode Apps
- 2 microphone inputs with automatic TRS/TRRS detection
- Weight: 13 grams

You can receive a notification when it is available or order now, and we will ship it to you as soon as possible.
If you order now, our employee will contact you with delivery details.
audio interface Zoom ZHA-4 4-Channel Handy Headphone Amplifier
- Portable and compact 4-channel headphone monitoring amplifier
- Suitable for podcasts, audio recording with mobile devices and more.
- Input 3.5mm TRS
- 4 Headphone outputs, Volume and Mute buttons on each channel
- 50 cm audio cable included
- Power supply: 2 x AA batteries / Bus Power via USB Type-C
- 3.5 hours of operation with alkaline batteries and 4.5 hours with NiMH batteries
- Dimensions: 130x70x52 mm
- Weight: 180 g
Product is available in:
ФотоСинтезис София, бул. “Васил Левски” 57
Currently: open (work hours 10:00-20:00)
ФотоСинтезис Варна, бул. "Княз Борис I" 64
Currently: open (work hours 10:00-19:00)
audio interface Steinberg UR12 Audio Interface
- Compact USB audio interface for 24-bit / 192kHz recording and monitoring
- Sturdy metal body
- High-speed USB 2.0
- Hardware monitoring with zero latency
- Class-A D-PRE preamps
- Compatible with all audio software that supports ASIO, Core Audio and WDM standard
- Loopback Mode for streaming
- Compatible with iPhone and iPad apps via Class Compliant Mode
- Dimensions: 159x47x144mm
- Weight: 850g
You can order it now and our employee will contact you with details of the delivery time within the next business day.
audio interface Zoom AMS-22 2x2 USB Audio Interface
- Super compact audio interface for 24-bit / 96kHz audio recording and streaming
- 1x Mic/Line combo XLR - 6.3mm (1/4") TRS input
- 1x 3.5mm (1/8") TRS Line/Stereo unbalanced input
- 1x 3.5mm (1/8") TRS headphone output
- 2x 6.3mm (1/4") TRS Line output
- Mechanical selectors Monitor, Loopback and +48V phantom power
- Gain and Output controls
Product is available in:
ФотоСинтезис София, бул. “Васил Левски” 57
Currently: open (work hours 10:00-20:00)
audio interface M-Audio AIR 192/4 USB 2x2 Audio Interface
- Compact USB audio interface for 24-bit / 192kHz recording and monitoring
- Transparent Crystal Preamp and high class A / D converters
- 1x Mic / Line combined XLR input
- 1x 6.3mm tool input
- Independent indicators and input controllers
- 2x linear 6.3mm outputs
- 1x 6.3mm headphone output with independent control
- Direct choice between input and computer signal
- Metal housing
You can order it now and our employee will contact you with details of the delivery time within the next business day.
audio interface Zoom AMS-24 2x4 USB Audio Interface
- Compact audio interface for 24-bit / 96kHz audio recording and streaming
- 1x Mic/Line/Hi-Z combo XLR - 6.3mm (1/4") TRS input
- 1x Mic/Line combo XLR - 6.3mm (1/4") TRS input
- 2x 3.5mm (1/8") TRS output for headphones
- 2x 6.3mm (1/4") TRS Line output
- Music and Streaming modes
- Mechanical selectors Monitor, Loopback and +48V phantom power
- Gain and Output controls
Product is available in:
ФотоСинтезис София, бул. “Васил Левски” 57
Currently: open (work hours 10:00-20:00)
Audio recorder Zoom PodTrak P2 Dual USB Mic Recorder
- Audio recorder for 2 USB microphones
- Can be used as a 2-in/2-out audio interface
- AI noise reduction
- Master Compressor
- 24-Bit / 48 kHz recording
- Mix-minus function for call-in inclusions
- Direct streaming capability with phone
- Equalizer
- De-essing function
- 2x headphone output
- USB-C power or AA batteries
You can receive a notification when it is available or order now, and we will ship it to you as soon as possible.
If you order now, our employee will contact you with delivery details.
audio interface Rode AI-1 USB Audio Interface
- USB audio interface for studio quality recording
- PC and Mac compatibility
- Class A low noise preamplifier
- Sampling rate up to 96kHz / 24-bit
- Zero latency monitoring mode
- USB power supply
You can order it now and our employee will contact you with details of the delivery time within the next business day.
audio interface M-Audio AIR 192/6 USB 2x2 Audio Interface with MIDI
- Compact USB audio interface for 24-bit / 192kHz recording and monitoring
- Transparent Crystal Preamp and high class A / D converters
- 2x Mic / Line combined XLR + 6.3mm TRS input
- 2x 6.3mm tool input
- Independent indicators and input controllers
- 2x linear 6.3mm outputs
- 1x 6.3mm headphone output with independent control
- Direct choice between input and computer signal
- Latency: 2.59 ms
- Metal housing
You can order it now and our employee will contact you with details of the delivery time within the next business day.
audio interface Shure MVX2U XLR-USB Digital Audio Interface Adapter
- Digital audio interface adapter XLR to USB
- Easily plug an XLR microphone directly into a computer
- Compatible with ShurePlus MOTIV app
- +60 dB gain
- 3.5mm headphone output for direct monitoring
- Automatic level adjustment
- 24-bit / 48 kHz audio
- 48V phantom power
- LED indicators
Product is available in:
ФотоСинтезис София, бул. “Васил Левски” 57
Currently: open (work hours 10:00-20:00)
audio interface Steinberg UR22C 2x2 USB Audio Interface
- High quality 32-bit / 192 kHz recording
- USB C 3.1 interface
- 2x Combo XLR-1/4 "input
- Independent +48 V phantom power supply for both inputs
- Monitoring without delay and with DSP effects
- Class-A D-PRE preamplifiers
- Hi-Pass filter
- Compatible with Windows, MacOS and iOS
- Metal housing
Product is available in:
ФотоСинтезис София, бул. “Васил Левски” 57
Currently: open (work hours 10:00-20:00)
audio interface Zoom AMS-44 4x2 USB Audio Interface
- Compact audio interface for 24-bit / 96kHz audio recording and streaming
- 1x Mic/Line/Hi-Z combo XLR - 6.3mm (1/4") TRS input
- 3x Mic/Line combo XLR - 6.3mm (1/4") TRS input
- 2x 3.5mm (1/8") TRS output for headphones
- 2x 6.3mm (1/4") TRS Line output
- Music and Streaming modes
- Mechanical selectors Monitor, Loopback and +48V phantom power
- Gain and Output controls
- USB C audio interface function
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За да може Вашето искане да бъде обработено и удовлетворено, е необходимо да предоставите нужните за това данни, като се съгласявате:
- да получавате съответните системни съобщения, свързани с искането по телефон и / или чрез електронна поща;
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- да предоставите номер на активна банкова сметка в лева, в случай на искане за възстановяване на сума.
Липсата на съответното съгласие прави невъзможно използването на онлайн магазина на PhotoSynthesis за заявяване на връщане и замяна на стоки.
Данните, свързани с искане за връщане или замяна на стоки не могат да бъдат премахвани до приключване на случая и ще бъдат запазени за срок, изискуем от закона.
Предоставяне на лични данни
За да може Вашето искане да бъде обработено и удовлетворено, е необходимо да предоставите нужните за това данни, като се съгласявате:
- да получавате съответните системни съобщения, свързани с искането по телефон и / или чрез електронна поща;
- необходима част от данните (имена, адрес за доставка, телефонен номер и др.) бъде предоставена на куриерска фирма, която ще транспортира нужните пратки;
- за възстановяване на суми е необходим номер на активна банкова сметка в лева.
Липсата на съответното съгласие прави невъзможно използването на онлайн магазина на PhotoSynthesis за заявяване на рекламация на стоки.
Данните, свързани с рекламация на стоки не могат да бъдат премахвани до приключване на случая и ще бъдат запазени за срок, изискуем от закона.
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