Studio Packs 1 - 12 of 18
Accessory Profoto 330514 Acute / D4 Ring UNC
- Ring flash for Acute and D4 generators.
- Cable: 4 m
- Weight: 1.8 kg, 3.9 lbs
- Diameter: 10 cm, 4 inches
- Depth: 22 cm, 8.5 inch
- Power: 9600 Ws per minute

You can order it now and our employee will contact you with details of the delivery time within the next business day.
Monolight Profoto 900755 Pro-B Head Plus + Disc Reflector
- Excellent performance. Robust and compact housing. Compatibility with the entire Light Shaping Tools range. The "Perfect Arc" impulse lamp guarantees a light with constant parameters and extended life. Active cooling for stable operation under heavy load. Safe use thanks to the reinforced glass lid. Profoto Disc Reflector or Profoto Zoom Reflector included.
- Diameter / Depth: 10 cm / 22 cm
- Magnum Reflector @ 8: f / 90.3
- White Umbrella @ 7: f / 22.3
- Zoom Reflector @ 4: f / 45.3
- Weight: 1.8 kg
- Protective glass: Yes
- Power: 1 Ws -1200 Ws
- Pilot lamp: 100 W
You can order it now and our employee will contact you with details of the delivery time within the next business day.
Power Pack Profoto 900773 Acute 2 1200
- Acute 2 1200 is a compact and lightweight generator. Adjustable modular lighting. Asymmetric distribution. Opportunity to work with voltage 100-120 V or 200-240.
- Built-in clamp: no
- Pilot lighting: 1500W (200-240V)
- Ramer: 22x19x13cm
- Weight: 4.1kg
- Pulse length (t 0,5): 1 / 3200-1 / 560s
- Loading: 0.09-1.6s
- Power: 1200Ws
You can order it now and our employee will contact you with details of the delivery time within the next business day.
Power Pack Profoto 900775 Acute 2R 1200 (344MHZ Pocket Wizard Receiver Built-in)
- Compact and lightweight generator with built-in receiver - 344 MHz / 32-channel PocketWizard ©. Adjustable modular lighting. Asymmetric distribution. Opportunity to work with voltage 100-120 V or 200-240.
- Built-in clamp: PocketWizard © 344 MHz
- Pilot lighting: 1500W (200-240V)
- Ramer: 22x19x13cm
- Weight: 4.1kg
- Pulse length (t 0,5): 1 / 3200-1 / 560s
- Loading: 0.09-1.6s
- Power: 1200Ws
You can order it now and our employee will contact you with details of the delivery time within the next business day.
Power Pack Profoto 900811 Acute 2R 1200 (433MHz Pocket Wizard Receiver Built-in)
- Compact and lightweight generator with built-in receiver - 433MHz / 32-channel PocketWizard ©. Adjustable modular lighting. Asymmetric distribution. Opportunity to work with voltage 100-120 V or 200-240.
- Built-in clamp: yes, PocketWizard ©
- Pilot lighting: 1500W (200-240V)
- Ramer: 22x19x13cm
- Weight: 4.1kg
- Pulse length (t 0,5): 1 / 3200-1 / 560s
- Loading: 0.09-1.6s
- Power (total): 1200Ws
You can order it now and our employee will contact you with details of the delivery time within the next business day.
Power Pack Profoto 900774 Acute 2 2400
- Acute 2 2400 is a lightweight and powerful generator. Adjustable modular lighting. Asymmetric distribution. Opportunity to work with voltage 100-120 V or 200-240.
- Built-in clamp: no
- Loading (t): 0.18 - 3.2 s
- Pilot lighting: 1500W (200-240V)
- Ramer: 30 x 19 x 13cm
- Weight: 5.9kg
- Top number: 128 @ 2 m / ISO 100 with Magnum reflector
- Power: 2400Ws
You can order it now and our employee will contact you with details of the delivery time within the next business day.
Monolight Profoto 900794 Pro-B Head Plus + Zoom Reflector
- Excellent performance. Robust and compact housing. Compatible with the whole range of Light Shaping Tools. The "Perfect Arc" impulse lamp guarantees a light with constant parameters and extended life. Active cooling for stable operation under heavy load. Safe use thanks to the reinforced glass lid. Profoto Disc Reflector or Profoto Zoom Reflector included.
- Diameter / Depth: 10 cm / 22 cm
- Magnum Reflector @ 8: f / 90.3
- White Umbrella @ 7: f / 22.3
- Zoom Reflector @ 4: f / 45.3
- Weight: 1.8 kg
- Protective glass: Yes
- Power: 1 Ws -1200 Ws
- Pilot lamp: 100 W
You can order it now and our employee will contact you with details of the delivery time within the next business day.
Monolight Profoto 900752 ProHead Plus + 250W Modeling Lamp
- Excellent performance. Robust and compact housing. Compatibility with the entire Light Shaping Tools range. The "Perfect Arc" impulse lamp guarantees a light with constant parameters and extended life. Active cooling for stable operation under heavy load.
- Diameter / Depth: 10 cm / 26 cm
- Magnum Reflector @ 8: f / 128.3
- White Umbrella @ 7: f / 32.3
- Zoom Reflector @ 4: f / 64.3
- Weight: 2.2 kg
- Cable length: 4 m.
- Protective glass: Yes
- Power: 1Ws to 4800 Ws
- Pilot lamp: 250 W
You can order it now and our employee will contact you with details of the delivery time within the next business day.
Monolight Profoto 900753 ProHead Plus + 500W Modeling Lamp
- Excellent performance. Robust and compact housing. Compatibility with the entire Light Shaping Tools range. The "Perfect Arc" impulse lamp guarantees a light with constant parameters and extended life. Active cooling for stable operation under heavy load.
- Diameter / Depth: 10 cm / 26 cm
- Magnum Reflector @ 8: f / 128.3
- White Umbrella @ 7: f / 32.3
- Zoom Reflector @ 4: f / 64.3
- Weight: 2.2 kg
- Cable length: 4 m.
- Protective glass: Yes
- Power: 1Ws to 4800 Ws
- Pilot lamp: 500 W
You can order it now and our employee will contact you with details of the delivery time within the next business day.
Power Pack Profoto 900776 Acute 2R 2400 (344MHz Pocket Wizard Receiver Built-in)
- Compact and lightweight generator with built-in receiver - 344 MHz / 32-channel PocketWizard ©. Adjustable modular lighting. Asymmetric distribution. Opportunity to operate with voltage 100-120 V or 200-240 V.
- Built-in clamp: yes, PocketWizard ©
- Pilot lighting: 1500W (200-240V)
- Ramer: 30 x 19 x 13cm
- Weight: 5.9kg
- Top number: 128 @ 2 m / ISO 100 with Magnum reflector
- Loading: 0.18 - 3.2 s
- Power: 2400Ws
You can order it now and our employee will contact you with details of the delivery time within the next business day.
Power Pack Profoto 900812 Acute 2R 2400 (433 MHz Pocket Wizard Receiver Built-in)
- Compact and lightweight generator with built-in receiver - 433 MHz / 32-channel PocketWizard ©. Adjustable modular lighting. Asymmetric distribution. Opportunity to operate with voltage 100-120 V or 200-240 V.
- Built-in clamp: PocketWizard ©
- Pilot lighting: 1000W (100-120V), 1500W (200-240V)
- Ramer: 30x19x13cm
- Weight: 5.9kg
- Top number: 128 @ 2 m / ISO 100 with Magnum reflector
- Loading: 0.18 - 3.2 s
- Power (total): 2400Ws
You can order it now and our employee will contact you with details of the delivery time within the next business day.
Monolight Profoto 900719 ProTwin
- Double power and speed. ProTwin has two impulse lamps and two generator nozzles. When you connect them to one generator, you reduce the pulse duration by half. When connecting each to a separate generator, you get twice as much power or twice as fast recharging. Despite the extra features, ProTwin is comparable to ProHead Plus.
- Diameter / Depth: 10 cm / 28 cm
- Magnum + Twin + 2 Gen: f / 180.3
- Magnum Reflector @ 8: f / 128.3
- White Umbrella @ 7: f / 32.3
- Zoom Reflector @ 4: f / 64.3
- Weight: 2.5 kg
- Protective glass: Yes
- Power: up to 9600 Ws
- Pilot lamp: 500 W
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