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Lens Voigtlander Heliar-Hyper Wide 10mm f / 5.6 Aspherical - Sony E (FE)

Voigtlander Heliar-Hyper Wide 10mm f / 5.6 Aspherical - Sony E (FE)
Voigtlander Heliar-Hyper Wide 10mm f / 5.6 Aspherical - Sony E (FE) Voigtlander Heliar-Hyper Wide 10mm f / 5.6 Aspherical - Sony E (FE)
  • Hyper-wide-angle manual focus lens Possible uninterrupted 10-sided aperture control Built-in hood Exif data transfer contacts
  • Fock. dist. (35mm film equivalent): 10 mm
  • Weight: 371 g
  • Min. Distance (macro): 0.3 m
  • Filter thread: ---
  • Compatibility: Sony E (FE)
  • Variants:
  • Voigtlander Heliar-Hyper Wide 10mm f / 5.6 Aspherical - Leica M
Price: 2 299,00 BGN


The Voigtlander Heliar-Hyper Wide 10mm f/5.6 Aspherical lens is a hyper wide-angle manual focus model for mirrorless cameras with full-frame sensors.

Elements in the optical scheme eliminate color fringing and reduce distortion and various aberrations for clearer, sharper and contrastier images.

The manual focus design allows for smooth, precise control and a minimum focus distance of 30cm.

The ten-blade diaphragm contributes to a soft and pleasant bokeh.

A built-in lens hood protects the front element of the lens and helps control flare and ghosting.


General features
Filter Thread ---
Aperture Max f / 5.6
Aperture Min f / 22
Image Stabilization No.
Minimum Focus Distance 30 cm
Optical Design 13 Items in 10 groups
Angle of View 130 °
Diaphragm Blades 10
Size 67.8 x 73.8 mm
Weight 371 grams
bg Български

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