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Tripod Velbon Pro Geo V640

Velbon Pro Geo V640
Velbon Pro Geo V640 Velbon Pro Geo V640 Velbon Pro Geo V640
  • Carbon base (tripod) of high class. Lightweight and convenient to carry. Head size - 3/8 "and 1/4". V-Lock locking system. Low profile capability. Metal spikes on legs for better grip. Deformation of base legs for more precise positioning. Magnesium coating of the top of the base.
  • Weight endurance: 6 kg
  • Mass: 1.55 kg
  • Size / Sections: 43.5 cm / 4
  • MAX height: 150.5 cm
  • MIN height: 43.5 cm
  • Material: carbon / magnesium
  • Type: Photo
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The Velbon Pro Geo V640 tripod is a high-class professional carbon base - extremely light and easy to transport.

A locking mechanism makes it easy to adjust the center column, and the 1/4 and 3/8 double threaded screw provides compatibility with multiple heads.

The rubber feet and metal spikes are suitable for use on a variety of surfaces - from grass and sand to ice and rocks.

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