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Lens TTartisan 100mm f/2.8 Bubble Bokeh - Leica M

100mm f/2.8 Bubble Bokeh - Leica M
100mm f/2.8 Bubble Bokeh - Leica M 100mm f/2.8 Bubble Bokeh - Leica M 100mm f/2.8 Bubble Bokeh - Leica M 100mm f/2.8 Bubble Bokeh - Leica M 100mm f/2.8 Bubble Bokeh - Leica M
  • Lens Type: Твърд ръчнофокусен телеобектив
  • Focal Length (35mm Equivalent): 100mm
  • Maximum Aperture: f/2.8
  • Minimum Focus Distance: 90 cm
  • Filter Diameter: 49 mm
  • Weight: 307 g
  • Others: забележително "Bubble" боке, здрав метален корпус
Price: 499,00 BGN


The TArtisan 100mm f/2.8 Bubble Bokeh lens is a rigid manual focus telephoto lens for mirrorless cameras with full-frame sensors, featuring remarkable bubble bokeh. In combination with the focal length of 100 mm, this model is very suitable for landscape and portrait photography.

Thirteen diaphragm blades provide the romantic (Bubble) bokeh that turns the out-of-focus parts of your shot into perfectly round spheres with bright edges. With this effect, you can create different scenes that are otherwise impossible with traditional lenses.

With an adapter, the lens can also be used with other camera models. The body is completely metal.


General features
Filter Thread49 mm
Aperture Maxf/2.8
Aperture Minf/22
Minimum Focus Distance90 cm
Optical Design3/3
Angle of View24°
Diaphragm Blades13
Weight307 g
bg Български

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