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Memory card Lexar Professional SDXC 1TB 1800x UHS-II

Lexar Professional SDXC 1TB 1800x UHS-II
  • Suitable for high-quality Full-HD images and 4K video
  • Capacity: 1TB
  • UHS-II / V60 / U3 / Class 10
  • 1800x
  • Max. read speed: up to 280 MB/s
  • Max. write speed: up to 210 MB/s
  • Backward compatible with UHS-I
  • Water and shock resistant, resistant to X-ray radiation, vibrations and high temperatures
  • Variants:
  • Lexar Professional SDXC 64GB 1800x UHS-II
  • Lexar Professional SDXC 128GB 1800x UHS-II
  • Lexar Professional SDXC 256GB 1800x UHS-II
  • Lexar Professional SDXC 512GB 1800x UHS-II
  • Lexar Professional SDXC 64GB 1800x UHS-II 2 pcs.
  • Lexar Professional SDXC 128GB 1800x UHS-II 2 pcs.
Price: 899,00 BGN
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Designed for your DSLR or mirrorless cameras, the Lexar Professional SDXC 1TB 1800x UHS-II memory card allows you fast image transfer and stunning Full-HD and 4K video with read speeds of up to 280MB/s.

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