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Accessory Datacolor Spyder Checkr Photo SCK300

Datacolor Spyder Checkr Photo SCK300
Datacolor Spyder Checkr Photo SCK300 Datacolor Spyder Checkr Photo SCK300 Datacolor Spyder Checkr Photo SCK300
  • Set of 4 color cards for color adjustment
  • 62-color benchmark: 24 saturated colors + 6 skin tones; 24 shades of gray; 2 gray cards; 3 white corrections and 3 black corrections
  • Ultra matte finish
  • Made from 78% bamboo
  • Reduces post production time
  • Software compatible with Adobe Lightroom Classic, Adobe Camera RAW, Hasselblad Phocus
  • Durable, pocket-sized case with option to change standards
Price: 199,00 BGN
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Datacolor Spyder Checkr Photo SCK300 basic, portable color reference and calibration tool.

The product has 24 colors + 6 skin tones; 24 shades of gray; 2 large gray rocks; 3 white adjustments and 3 black adjustments. The rich selection of skin tones are extremely suitable for portrait and fashion photography.

Spyder Checkr software automatically color corrects images and creates an HSL preset that you can use with RAW editing software such as Adobe Lightroom Classic®, Adobe Camera RAW® or Hasseblad Phocus® for fast, seamless color correction and accurate balance the white in the camera.

The cards are made from 78% bamboo, a renewable paper resource.

Datacolor Spyder Checkr Photo SCK300

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Price: 199,00 BGN
bg Български

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