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Filter Tiffen Neutral Density 0.6 67mm

Tiffen Neutral Density 0.6 67mm
Tiffen Neutral Density 0.6 67mm Tiffen Neutral Density 0.6 67mm
  • Neutral (ND) filter
  • ND 0.3 / 1-stop
  • Filter factor: 2x
  • Eliminates overly bright, pale images
  • Balances the exposure
  • Controls depth of field
  • It allows for slower shutter speeds and the use of a wider aperture
  • Allows use of other filters as well
  • ColorCore technology
  • Plastic storage case
  • Variants:
  • Tiffen Neutral Density 0.6 72mm
  • Tiffen Neutral Density 0.6 77mm
  • Tiffen Neutral Density 0.6 40.5mm
  • Tiffen Neutral Density 0.6 49mm
  • Tiffen Neutral Density 0.6 55mm
Price: 79,00 BGN

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