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Tripod MeFOTO BackPacker Pro CF 6 in 1 Kit (black)

BackPacker Pro CF 6 in 1 Kit (black)
BackPacker Pro CF 6 in 1 Kit (black) BackPacker Pro CF 6 in 1 Kit (black) BackPacker Pro CF 6 in 1 Kit (black) BackPacker Pro CF 6 in 1 Kit (black) BackPacker Pro CF 6 in 1 Kit (black)
BackPacker Pro CF 6 in 1 Kit (black) BackPacker Pro CF 6 in 1 Kit (black) BackPacker Pro CF 6 in 1 Kit (black) BackPacker Pro CF 6 in 1 Kit (black)
  • Material: Карбон
  • Load Capacity: 6 kg
  • Max Height: 140 cm
  • Min Height: 40.50 cm
  • Folded Lenght: 55.5cm
  • Weight: 1.16 kg
  • Sections: 4
  • Head: Ябълковидна глава, Arca-type, с плочка за бързо освобождаване, вграден нивелир
  • Others: Мултифункционален статив, който може да се превърне още в монопод, телескопична дръжка, selfie стик или статив за плот
Price: 559,00 BGN


The MeFoto BackPacker Pro CF 6 in 1 Kit tripod is a multifunctional, practical and elegant model with an apple-shaped head that instantly turns into a selfie stick, monopod or table tripod.

Their legs fold back and are small enough to be carried almost anywhere.
With the innovative QR tile, it is very easy to switch from shooting with a camera to shooting with a smartphone.
Durable metal twist locks combined with anti-rotation feet allow quick and hassle-free setup, plus weather and dust resistance. The padded rubber grip provides comfortable handling, especially in extreme temperatures. The arms of the tripod can be independently fixed in place at three different angles - you can shoot in tight spaces or on uneven terrain without a problem.

The center column can be removed and the MeFoto BackPacker Pro CF 6 in 1 Kit instantly turns into a monopod. The detachable leg and QR plate can be combined to create a quick selfie stick, and attaching the head directly to the set of small legs (located in the center column) makes a handy tabletop tripod, coyote can be used for live streaming , virtual meetings or video chat.

The apple-shaped head has locking mechanisms, a built-in level and easy switching between landscape and portrait shooting modes. The QR plate has a universal ¼”-20 thread that fits almost all cameras.

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