The Cloud Microphones Cloudlifter CL-Z Variable Impedance Mic Activator preamp provides up to +25 dB pure gain, input impedance adjustment from 150 Ω to 15 kΩ, and an adjustable high-pass filter.
When connected to any standard mixer or other device to plug in a microphone with phantom power, while preserving the character of the microphone's sound. It improves the signal-to-noise ratio of passive microphones and long XLR cables.
Control of the input impedance and high-pass filter enables precise shaping of the sound, reduction of the proximity effect and cutoff frequency from around 200 Hz to below 20 Hz.
Cloud Microphones Cloudlifter CL-Z Variable Impedance Mic Activator offers two gain level settings - maximum (approx. +25 dB) and reduced (approx. +12 dB).
The Cloud Microphones Cloudlifter CL-Z Variable Impedance Mic Activator is especially useful for live and studio shows, as well as noisy low-gain preamps, low-output passive microphones, and more.
The body of the device is massive and robust and needs only phantom power.