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Telescope Celestron AstroMaster 76EQ

Celestron AstroMaster 76EQ
Celestron AstroMaster 76EQ Celestron AstroMaster 76EQ Celestron AstroMaster 76EQ Celestron AstroMaster 76EQ
Celestron AstroMaster 76EQ Celestron AstroMaster 76EQ
  • Refractor telescope with manual altazimuth mount
  • Aperture: 76 mm
  • Focal length: 700mm
  • aperture: f/9.2
  • star pointer finder
  • Metal stand 2 sections
  • Two eyepieces: 10 mm (70x); 20mm (35x)
  • 1.25" filters
  • The SkyX Software
Price: 429,00 BGN
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The Celestron AstroMaster 76EQ e telescope is a compact refractor type telescope suitable for detailed observation of the Moon and planets.

Box contents

Celestron Astromaster 76Eq

Eyepiece 10mm
Eyepiece 20mm
Manual equatorial mount
2x counterweight
2x control cable
Metal tripod with accessory holder

bg Български

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