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Lens Dzofilm Vespid Prime FF 125mm T2.1 - PL

Vespid Prime FF 125mm T2.1 - PL
Vespid Prime FF 125mm T2.1 - PL Vespid Prime FF 125mm T2.1 - PL Vespid Prime FF 125mm T2.1 - PL
  • Lens Type: Дългофокусен обектив за кино и видео
  • Compatibility (Lens Mount): PL (35mm)
  • Focal Length (35mm Equivalent): 125mm
  • Maximum Aperture: T/2.1
  • Minimum Focus Distance: 0.79 m
  • Filter Diameter: 77 mm
  • Dimensions: Дължина: 100 mm; преден диаметър: 80 mm
  • Weight: 924 g
  • Others: 16 ламела на диафрагмата, 270° ход на фокуса
Price: 3 059,00 BGN


The Dzofilm Vespid Prime FF 125mm T2.1 lens is a compact and lightweight model for cinema and video and is designed for cameras with full-frame sensors.

The 80mm front diameter is compatible with almost any cinema-style matte box, and the compact size makes this lens an attractive option when working with drones, stabilization systems or when shooting handheld.

The replaceable bayonet expands the capabilities of the used cinema camera models.

An anti-reflective coating prevents flare for increased contrast and color reproduction, and the 16-blade diaphragm provides smooth, rounded bokeh.

The focus and aperture control rings are precise and smooth (270° for the focus ring), and the standard gears allow the use of various cinema-style accessories such as Follow Foсus modules and more.

The rear of the lens has a magnetically attached rear filter that accepts additional ND filters.


Box contents

Dzofilm Vespid Prime Ff 125Mm T2.1 - Pl

Front cap
Rear cap

bg Български

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