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Accessory Smallrig 2903 Swivel and Tilt Adjustable Monitor Mount

Smallrig 2903 Swivel and Tilt Adjustable Monitor Mount
Smallrig 2903 Swivel and Tilt Adjustable Monitor Mount Smallrig 2903 Swivel and Tilt Adjustable Monitor Mount Smallrig 2903 Swivel and Tilt Adjustable Monitor Mount Smallrig 2903 Swivel and Tilt Adjustable Monitor Mount Smallrig 2903 Swivel and Tilt Adjustable Monitor Mount
Smallrig 2903 Swivel and Tilt Adjustable Monitor Mount Smallrig 2903 Swivel and Tilt Adjustable Monitor Mount
  • Monitor mounting
  • 1/4 "-20 mounting thread
  • 3/8 "-16 ARRI mounting for cage or rig
  • 360 ° rotation
  • Tilt at 170 °
  • Load capacity up to 1.5 kg
  • Aluminum construction
  • Rubber protector
  • Compatible with SmallHD FOCUS, UltraBright, 500 and 700, Atomos Ninja, Shogun Flame, Blackmagic Video Assist 5 "and 4K 7"
  • Dimensions: 42 x 41.8 x 34 mm
  • Weight: 79 g
Price: 89,00 BGN

bg Български

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