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предметна маса Helios 428925 Shooting Table Pro M Subject table 60x130 cm

Helios 428925 Shooting Table Pro M Subject table 60x130 cm
Helios 428925 Shooting Table Pro M Subject table 60x130 cm Helios 428925 Shooting Table Pro M Subject table 60x130 cm
  • Professional subject table for product photography with clips
  • Light and stable construction
  • Ability to adjust the slope of the planes
  • Length of the white surface: 130 cm
  • Width: 60 cm
  • Working height: 60 cm
  • Lamp holder
Price: 259,00 BGN
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for orders above 100 lv


The Helios 428925 Shooting Table Pro M is designed for product photography.

It has a light and stable construction and the ability to adjust the slope of the planes. With its size, it is extremely suitable for the home studio. The positions of the clips are adjustable and there is a lamp holder under the table for convenient creative lighting.

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