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Lens Canon CN-E 30-300mm T2.95-3.7 LS - Canon EF

Canon CN-E 30-300mm T2.95-3.7 LS - Canon EF
Canon CN-E 30-300mm T2.95-3.7 LS - Canon EF Canon CN-E 30-300mm T2.95-3.7 LS - Canon EF Canon CN-E 30-300mm T2.95-3.7 LS - Canon EF
  • 10x bright tele zoom for cinema and video
  • For cameras with Super35 / APS-C sensors
  • Bayonet Canon EF
  • For video up to 4K
  • Minimal breathing when focusing
  • Minimal expansion and contraction
  • Front diameter and gears, unified with the other lenses in the movie series
  • Variants:
  • Canon CN-E 30-300mm T2.95-3.7 L SP - PL
Price: 73 799,00 BGN


Canon CN-E 30-300mm T2.95-3.7 LS is a bright lens with 10x zoom, specially developed for digital cinema and designed for cameras with Super35 and APS-C sensors, such as the Canon EOS C300.


General features
Aperture MaxT/2.95 - 3.7
Image StabilizationНе
Minimum Focus Distance1.5 m
Angle of View51.6 - 5.4° (Super35)
Diaphragm Blades11
Size144.0 x 167.1 mm
Weight5.8 kg
bg Български

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