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Microphone Zoom XYH-6 Stereo X/Y

Zoom XYH-6 Stereo X/Y
Zoom XYH-6 Stereo X/Y Zoom XYH-6 Stereo X/Y
  • 2 cardioid X / Y microphones
  • Variable X / Y angle between 90 and 120 degrees for wider stereo picture
  • Compatible with Zoom H5, H6, Q8, U-44, F4, F8
Price: 185,00 BGN
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Zoom XYH-6 Stereo X / Y is a microphone cap for the Zoom H5 and H6 audio recorders. The capsule has two one-way microphones that are sensitive to signals coming from the front and less to signals coming from the side and back. The X / Y configuration microphones with adjustable angles between 90 and 120 degrees are ideal for all studio stereo recordings, live performances, rehearsals and TV broadcasts.

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