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Microphone Rode HS2 Lightweight Headset Microphone

Rode HS2 Lightweight Headset Microphone
Rode HS2 Lightweight Headset Microphone Rode HS2 Lightweight Headset Microphone
  • Ergonomic design
  • Extremely lightweight construction
  • Hypoallergenic silicone ear straps
  • Output: 1/8 "TRS
Price: 537,00 BGN
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The Rode HS2 Lightweight Headset Microphone is a super compact and ergonomic microphone that delivers clean and clear sound and is suitable for public speaking, lectures, conferences, movies, TV, video, theater, etc.

Made of stainless steel and with hypoallergenic silicone bands, the Rode HS2 provides maximum flexibility and comfort. The cable is shielded, reinforced with Kevlar and terminated with a gold-plated 3.5 mm TRS connector.

bg Български

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