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Tripod Manfrotto MVT502AM video tripod

Manfrotto MVT502AM video tripod
Manfrotto MVT502AM video tripod Manfrotto MVT502AM video tripod
  • Type: Base (leg only) Cup diameter: 75 (60) mm Folded length: 615 mm Maximum height (with depressed column): 1435 mm Max load capacity: 15 kg Material Aluminum Minimum height 570 mm Normal height (with collapsed column): 1435 mm Spider: Medium Section pruning: Pinch Weight: 1.95 kg Type: Videostatic
Price: 699,00 BGN
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The Manfrotto MVT502AM is a classic video tripod with double legs and a 75mm cup (60mm adapter included). It is designed for DSLR and compact video cameras. The telescopic construction with double legs, aluminum tubes with elliptical profiles, the middle spider provides a firm and secure support, and the rubber feet have very good traction on smooth and level surfaces.

The tripod reaches a maximum height of 143 and only 61.5 cm. in the folded position, which makes it extremely easy and convenient to transport.

The MVT502AM is compatible with all 60mm and 75mm cup video heads, including the MVH500A, MVH502A, MVH504HD.

The Manfrotto MVT502AM is a classic dual-legged video tripod with a 75mm cup (60mm adapter included). Designed for HDSLR as well as classic compact and mid-range camcorders. Its 15kg load makes it a universal solution for virtually all low- and mid-range video systems in today's market.

Stable and easy to use, this tripod is central to Manfrotto's product range.

Compatible with all 60mm and 75mm video heads including MVH500A, MVH502A, MVH504HD
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