Peli's suitcases | Peli Cases and Accessories | Peli Cases and Accessories
Accessory Peli™ 0945 CF Memory Card Case (Black)
- Memory Card Case
- Material: polycarbonate
- Stores 6 compact flash cards
- Waterproof seal (IPx4)

Product is available in:
ФотоСинтезис София, бул. “Васил Левски” 57
Currently: open (work hours 10:00-20:00)
Case Peli™ 1200 with foam (black)
- Hard case for technique
- Waterproof and dustproof
- It can sail with a load of 5.4 kg in salt water
- Automatic pressure equalization valve
- 2 locks
- External dimensions (approx.): 270 x 245 x 125 mm
- Internal dimensions (approx.): 240 x 185 x 105 (75 + 30) mm
- Weight: 1.25 kg
Product is available in:
ФотоСинтезис София, бул. “Васил Левски” 57
Currently: open (work hours 10:00-20:00)
ФотоСинтезис Варна, бул. "Княз Борис I" 64
Currently: open (work hours 10:00-19:00)
Case Peli™ 1507 Air with dividers (black)
- Hard case for technique
- Waterproof, shockproof and dustproof
- Automatic pressure equalization valve
- Rubberized edges for better sealing
- Configurable dividers
- It can sail with a load of 24.49 kg in salt water
- Withstands temperatures from -51 to 71 ° C
- 2 locks
- Outer Dimensions (Approx.): 42.8 x 35.8 x 23.5 cm
- Inner Dimensions (Approx.): 38.5 x 28.9 x 21.6 cm
- Weight: 2.9 kg
You can order it now and our employee will contact you with details of the delivery time within the next business day.
Case Peli™ 1535 Air with foam (black)
- Hard suitcase for equipment
- Waterproof and dustproof
- It can float with a load of 29.4 kg in salt water
- Temperature resistant from -51 to 71 °C
- Automatic pressure equalization valve
- 2 locks
- Rubberized, ergonomic handle
- External dimensions (approx): 55.8 x 35.5 x 22.8 cm
- Internal dimensions (approx): 51.8 x 28.4 x 18.3 cm
- Weight: 4.58 kg
Product is available in:
ФотоСинтезис Варна, бул. "Княз Борис I" 64
Currently: open (work hours 10:00-19:00)
Accessory Peli™ 1569 Lid Organizer
- Practical organizer Made of high quality waterproof nylon Transparent pockets with nylon zippers Includes six comfortable fasteners for easier attachment to the Pelican® 1560 lid
You can order it now and our employee will contact you with details of the delivery time within the next business day.
Case Peli™ 1595 (with foam)
- Waterproof, shockproof and dustproof case with foam
- Made of super light HPX polymer
- Easy opening
- Automatic pressure equalization valve
- Rubberized edges for a better seal
- 3 locks
- Protective foam on the lid
- Retractable handle and castors with stainless steel bearings
- Internal dimensions: 65 x 38.18 x 22.9 cm
- External dimensions: 72.44 x 45.2 x 27.2 cm
- Weight: 7.42 kg
Product is available in:
ФотоСинтезис София, бул. “Васил Левски” 57
Currently: open (work hours 10:00-20:00)
Case Peli™ 1607 Air with dividers (black)
- Hard case for technique
- Waterproof and dustproof
- It can sail with a load of 80.7 kg in salt water
- Automatic pressure equalization valve
- Withstands temperatures from -51 to 71 ° C
- 4 locks
- Outer Dimensions (Approx.): 61.29 x 47.75 x 33.66 cm
- Inner Dimensions (Approx.): 53.47 x 40.16 x 29.54 cm
- Weight: 7.40 kg
You can order it now and our employee will contact you with details of the delivery time within the next business day.
Case Peli™ 1607 Air without foam (black)
- Hard case for technique
- Waterproof and dustproof
- It can sail with a load of 80.7 kg in salt water
- Automatic pressure equalization valve
- 4 locks
- Resistant to temperatures from -51 to 71 ° C
- External dimensions (approx.): 615 x 480 x 340 mm
- Internal Dimensions (Approx.): 535 x 400 x 295 (245 + 50) mm
- Weight: 6.00 kg
You can order it now and our employee will contact you with details of the delivery time within the next business day.
Case Peli™ 1637 Air with dividers (black)
- Hard tech case with dividers
- Shockproof, waterproof, unbreakable and dustproof
- It can float with a load of 76.7 kg in salt water
- Withstands temperatures from -17.7 to 60°C
- Automatic pressure equalization valve
- 5 locks
- Sturdy wheels
- Telescopic handle
- External dimensions (approx): 67.6 x 52.5 x 37.8 cm
- Internal dimensions (approx.): 59.5 x 44.6 x 33.7 cm
- Weight: 8.8 kg
You can order it now and our employee will contact you with details of the delivery time within the next business day.
Case Peli™ 1646 Air without foam (black)
- Hard suitcase for equipment
- Waterproof and dustproof
- Super light proprietary HPX² polymer
- Sturdy double-turn locks
- Crush and dust resistant
- Stainless steel clasp protectors
- Rubberized handles
- Retractable handle
- Removable polycarbonate card holder
- External dimensions: 89.6 x 48.3 x 38.3 cm
- Internal dimensions: 81.4 x 40.3 x 34.1 cm
- Weight: 9.3 kg
You can order it now and our employee will contact you with details of the delivery time within the next business day.
Case Peli™ 1650 with dividers (black)
- Hard suitcase for equipment
- Waterproof and dustproof
- Resistant to oil and grease
- It can float with a load of 82.1 kg in salt water
- Automatic pressure equalization valve
- Sturdy polyurethane wheels with stainless steel bearings
- Telescopic handle
- 7 locks
- 3 handles
- External dimensions (approx.): 805 x 520 x 315 mm
- Internal dimensions (approx): 722 x 442 x 270 mm
- Weight: 12.73kg
You can order it now and our employee will contact you with details of the delivery time within the next business day.
Case Peli™ 1660 Case With Foam
- Shockproof, waterproof, airtight, dustproof, chemical resistant and corrosion resistant
- Easy to open with double lock
- Top and side handles, telescopic handles, wheels
- Equipped with foam for full protection
- It can sail with a load of 158.8 kg in salt water
- Outer dimensions: 80 x 58.2 x 48.3 cm
- Internal dimensions: 71.6 x 50.3 x 44.7 cm
- Weight: 19 kg
Предоставяне на лични данни
За да може Вашето искане да бъде обработено и удовлетворено, е необходимо да предоставите нужните за това данни, като се съгласявате:
- да получавате съответните системни съобщения, свързани с искането по телефон и / или чрез електронна поща;
- необходима част от данните (имена, адрес за доставка, телефонен номер и др.) да бъде предоставена на куриерска фирма, която ще транспортира нужните пратки;
- да предоставите номер на активна банкова сметка в лева, в случай на искане за възстановяване на сума.
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Предоставяне на лични данни
За да може Вашето искане да бъде обработено и удовлетворено, е необходимо да предоставите нужните за това данни, като се съгласявате:
- да получавате съответните системни съобщения, свързани с искането по телефон и / или чрез електронна поща;
- необходима част от данните (имена, адрес за доставка, телефонен номер и др.) бъде предоставена на куриерска фирма, която ще транспортира нужните пратки;
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Липсата на съответното съгласие прави невъзможно използването на онлайн магазина на PhotoSynthesis за заявяване на рекламация на стоки.
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