Lomography 13 - 24 of 29
Camera Lomo HP360 Spinner 360°
- Supercompact camera for 360-degree panoramas of 35mm film Two sets of cloud and sunshade diaphragm Built-in level and mount for tripod mounts 8 panoramas in 36 frames

You can order it now and our employee will contact you with details of the delivery time within the next business day.
Camera Lomo HP700DIANA Diana F + Flash 10th Anniversary
- The legendary Diana F + camera at the age of 10
- Soft focus images with clear vignetting
- 12 full-size squares or 16 smaller by 120 film (5.2x5.2cm / 4.2x4.2cm), endless panorama (4.6x4.6cm)
- Long and multiple exposures
- Pinhole function
- Optical viewfinder
- Tripod thread
- Flash, color filters, special filter frame and strap included
- The flash works with 1 AA battery (not included)
Product is available in:
ФотоСинтезис София, бул. “Васил Левски” 57
Currently: open (work hours 10:00-20:00)
Camera Lomo HP700NAMI Diana F + Nami
- A noticeable version of the legendary Diana camera
- Soft focus images with clear vignetting
- 12 full-size squares or 16 smaller by 120 film (5.2 x 5.2cm / 4.2 x 4.2cm)
- Long and multiple exposures
- Pinhole function
- Optical viewfinder
- Tripod thread
- Flash with color filters included
- The flash works with 1 AA battery (not included)
You can receive a notification when it is available or order now, and we will ship it to you as soon as possible.
If you order now, our employee will contact you with delivery details.
Camera Lomography HP700BJ Diana F+ (Black Jack)
- A remake of the legendary Diana camera
- Possibility of long and repeated exposures
- 12 or 16 frames per 120 film
- 2 shutter speeds
- Zone focus
- Removable 75mm lens
- Multiple shooting modes
- Lock the prison
- Thread for tripod mounting
- Flash and color filters included
Product is available in:
ФотоСинтезис София, бул. “Васил Левски” 57
Currently: open (work hours 10:00-20:00)
Camera Lomography HP700CMY Diana F+ (CMYK)
- A remake of the legendary Diana camera
- Possibility of long and repeated exposures
- 12 or 16 frames per 120 film
- 2 shutter speeds
- Zone focus
- Removable 75mm lens
- Multiple shooting modes
- Lock the prison
- Thread for tripod mounting
- Flash and color filters included
Product is available in:
ФотоСинтезис София, бул. “Васил Левски” 57
Currently: open (work hours 10:00-20:00)
Camera Lomo SP200DIY LA Sardina DIY
- Lightweight and compact analog camera for 35mm movies
- Wide angle lens with 22mm focal length
- Viewing angle: 89 °
- Min. focusing distance: 0.6 m
- Draw, write or stick whatever you want on it
- Lomo Fritz the Blitz has three power settings
- Three color filters included
- Possibility for multiple and long exposures
- Possibility to mount a tripod: Yes
- Battery: 1xCR123A
You can order it now and our employee will contact you with details of the delivery time within the next business day.
Camera Lomo HP550PICNIC Diana Mini Picnic Edition with flash
- Compact camera set with flash in retro view
- Soft focus images with clear vignetting
- 36 square frames or 72 halves of 35 mm film
- Two exposure modes
- Unlimited and multiple exposures
- Possibility to shoot with a cable
- Tripod thread
- Optical viewfinder
- Works with one AA battery
Product is available in:
ФотоСинтезис София, бул. “Васил Левски” 57
Currently: open (work hours 10:00-20:00)
Instant Camera Lomo LI100B Instant Black
- Compatible with Fuji Instax Mini Flash Film Focusing Distance 48 mm (27 mm equivalent) Fingerprint: f8, f11, f16, f22, f32 Optical Viewfinder Automatic, Long and Multiple Exposure Built-in flash with three modes Requires 4 AAA batteries The set includes color gel filters
- Batteries: 4x AAA
- Lens: 48mm (27mm equivalent)
- Image size: 42 mm x 64 mm (image size)
- Shutter speed: 1 / 125s / Bulb
- Focus: 0.4m - 0.9m, 1m - infinity
Product is available in:
ФотоСинтезис София, бул. “Васил Левски” 57
Currently: open (work hours 10:00-20:00)
ФотоСинтезис Варна, бул. "Княз Борис I" 64
Currently: closed (work hours 10:00-19:00)
Scanner Lomo Z365MAX DigitaLIZA Max
- Kit for reshooting negatives with a smartphone
- Attachments for 35mm, 120 and 127 films
- The plug for 120 has lighting with USB power
- Masks and diffusers included
Product is available in:
ФотоСинтезис София, бул. “Васил Левски” 57
Currently: open (work hours 10:00-20:00)
ФотоСинтезис Варна, бул. "Княз Борис I" 64
Currently: closed (work hours 10:00-19:00)
Camera Lomo 35mm LomoApparat 21mm Wide-Angle Camera Neubau Edition
- Compact 35mm film camera with 21mm wide-angle lens
- Stylish design with genuine Italian leather
- Built-in flash
- Film format: 35 mm
- Focal length: 21 mm
- Aperture: f/10
- Shutter Speed: 1/100 (N), Bulb (B)
- Multiple exposure
- Battery: 1 × AA
- Color gel filters, Kaleidoscope lens attachments, Splitzer and close-up attachment included
Product is available in:
ФотоСинтезис Варна, бул. "Княз Борис I" 64
Currently: closed (work hours 10:00-19:00)
Camera Lomo 35mm LomoApparat 21mm Wide-Angle Camera Chiyoda
- Compact 35mm film camera with 21mm wide-angle lens
- Stylish design
- Built-in flash
- Film format: 35 mm
- Focal length: 21 mm
- Aperture: f/10
- Shutter Speed: 1/100 (N), Bulb (B)
- Multiple exposure
- Battery: 1 × AA
- Color gel filters, Kaleidoscope lens attachments, Splitzer and close-up attachment included
Product is available in:
ФотоСинтезис София, бул. “Васил Левски” 57
Currently: open (work hours 10:00-20:00)
Instant Camera Lomo LI100LUX Instant Sanremo
- Compatible with Fuji Instax Mini Flash Film Focusing Distance 48 mm (27 mm equivalent) Fingerprint: f8, f11, f16, f22, f32 Optical Viewfinder Automatic, Long and Multiple Exposure Built-in flash with three modes Requires 4 AAA batteries The set includes color gel filters
- Batteries: 4x AAA
- Lens: 48mm (27mm equivalent)
- Image size: 42 mm x 64 mm (image size)
- Shutter speed: 1 / 125s / Bulb
- Focus: 0.4m - 0.9m, 1m - infinity
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За да може Вашето искане да бъде обработено и удовлетворено, е необходимо да предоставите нужните за това данни, като се съгласявате:
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За да може Вашето искане да бъде обработено и удовлетворено, е необходимо да предоставите нужните за това данни, като се съгласявате:
- да получавате съответните системни съобщения, свързани с искането по телефон и / или чрез електронна поща;
- необходима част от данните (имена, адрес за доставка, телефонен номер и др.) бъде предоставена на куриерска фирма, която ще транспортира нужните пратки;
- за възстановяване на суми е необходим номер на активна банкова сметка в лева.
Липсата на съответното съгласие прави невъзможно използването на онлайн магазина на PhotoSynthesis за заявяване на рекламация на стоки.
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