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Book Distant songs - Margi Ruseva

 Distant songs - Margi Ruseva
 Distant songs - Margi Ruseva  Distant songs - Margi Ruseva
  • "Distant Songs" is a modern ballad of lyrical confessions and vivid stories freely shared in spiritual communication over the years. Stories and photographs gathered in the book awaken a sense of longing for a lost port, which we feel is somewhere ...
  • Year of publication: 2014
  • Language: Bulgarian
  • Publisher: Ciela
  • Cover: solid
  • Pages: 96
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"Distant Songs" is a modern ballad of lyrical confessions and vivid stories, freely shared in spiritual communion over the years. The stories and photographs collected in the book evoke the feeling of longing for a lost jetty that we feel exists somewhere.

And if these "distant songs" sound mythical, archetypal even, it is probably because what they share is in tune with those values that underlie humanism and the human spirit in general. Because the "sharing" that technology and social networks have made possible in recent years is, paradoxically, actually far removed from the truest in human communication - giving and loving one another's world. And Margi Ruseva tells stories the way close people share ...

bg Български

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