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Tripod Manfrotto MKCOMPACTADV-BK Compact Advanced (Black)

Manfrotto MKCOMPACTADV-BK Compact Advanced (Black)
  • Stands suitable for use with mid-range DSLR cameras and lenses up to 200mm focal length or other technology weighing up to 3kg Comes complete with a three-head head with folding handles Foldable headrests help to achieve a more compact size in collapsed condition Made of Aluminum and polymer alloys, the tripod is light, sturdy and stable
  • Weight endurance: 3 kg
  • Mass: 1.42 kg
  • Size / Sections: 44 cm / 5
  • MAX height (with column removed): 165 cm
  • MIN height: 44.5 cm
  • Material: Al
  • Type: Photo
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