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Umbrella Profoto 100980 Umbrella Deep White XL

100980 Umbrella Deep White XL
  • Deep white umbrella - 165cm (65 ")
  • Cover - color: White
  • Weight with case: 1.5kg (3.3lbs)
  • Diameter: 165cm (65 ")
  • Depth: Depth: 58cm (23 ")
  • Size folded: 110cm (43 "
Price: 859,00 BGN
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Allows better control of light propagation. Umbrella Deep XL is available in three versions: silver, white and translucent.

Umbrella Profoto Deep White XL is a large umbrella with a slightly parabolic shape that is important for portrait and fashion photographers. Creates a characteristic smooth and light that illuminates the subject entirely with only one source. It also allows you to focus and shape the light by sliding the umbrella back and forth toward the source. The silver version creates a slightly sharper light.

Box contents

Profoto 100980 Umbrella Deep White Xl

1 x case

bg Български

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