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Filter Syrp Variable ND Filter Kit - Large (82mm + Adapters for 72 and 77mm)

Syrp Variable ND Filter Kit - Large (82mm + Adapters for 72 and 77mm)
Syrp Variable ND Filter Kit - Large (82mm + Adapters for 72 and 77mm) Syrp Variable ND Filter Kit - Large (82mm + Adapters for 72 and 77mm) Syrp Variable ND Filter Kit - Large (82mm + Adapters for 72 and 77mm) Syrp Variable ND Filter Kit - Large (82mm + Adapters for 72 and 77mm) Syrp Variable ND Filter Kit - Large (82mm + Adapters for 72 and 77mm)
Syrp Variable ND Filter Kit - Large (82mm + Adapters for 72 and 77mm) Syrp Variable ND Filter Kit - Large (82mm + Adapters for 72 and 77mm)
  • Vario ND filter with a choice of different degrees of permeability from 1 to 8.5 stops
  • Adapters for 72mm and 77mm
  • Anti-reflective and protective coating
  • The set includes a cleaning cloth
  • Variants:
  • Syrp Variable ND Filter Kit - Small (67mm + Adapters for 52 and 58mm)
Price: 439,00 BGN
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Box contents

Syrp Variable Nd Filter Kit - Large (82Mm + Adapters For 72 And 77Mm)

Variable ND filter 82mm (1 f-stop (ND2) to 8.5 f-stop (ND400)
Thread adapters for lenses with accessories for 72 and 77mm
Cleaning cloth

bg Български

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