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Filter B+W CLEAR UV HAZE (010M) MRC 39mm

  • This UV filter blocks the ultraviolet component of daylight, which could cause blurring and blue shades. This UV filter is colorless, does not change color transmission and does not require corrections in exposure parameters. This makes it suitable for permanent protection of the front lens element against the undesirable effects of mechanical and chemical factors.
  • Variants:
  • B+W UV-HAZE MRC 40,5mm X 0,5
Price: 85,00 BGN

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This UV filter blocks the ultraviolet component of daylight, which could cause fogging and blue tones.
UV filters are suitable for high-altitude, off-shore, and extremely clear-air photography.
This UV filter is colorless, does not change color rendering and does not require adjustments in exposure parameters.
This makes it suitable for permanent protection of the front lens element against the undesirable effects of mechanical and chemical factors.
The extremely dust-proof and moisture-proof multi-layer coating (MRC) achieves the perfect combination of anti-reflective protective properties and scratch-resistant strength.


Filter features
Type UV Haze 010M
Degree ...
Size (diameter) 39 mm
Filter Factor ...
Multilayer coating Multi Resistant Coating (MRC)
Rotate None
Effect Blocks ultraviolet rays; removes blurring and blue tones in the frame; protects the lens front lens
Application For cleaner and sharper frames in color and black and white photography
Color temperature Color neutral
Design Glass, MRC
Cap size ...
Size of the front thread ...
bg Български

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