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Reflector Profoto 100608 Softlight Reflector White 65 °

Profoto 100608 Softlight Reflector White 65 °
  • Beauty Dish Reflector. The resulting effect is of natural appearance and slightly underlined shadows. Suitable for portrait photography. Provides a circular blur in the eyes of the portraits.
  • Size-Diameter: 52.5 cm
  • Size-Depth: 19 cm
  • Light output (at 2 meters / 2400Ws / 100 ISO): f 32.4 at position 4
  • Distribution Angle: 65 ° at position 4
  • Weight: 1.25 kg
  • Compatibility: All Profoto chapters, including ProTungsten Air and ProDaylight Air
Price: 985,00 BGN
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Profoto 100608 Softlight Reflector White 65 °
1 x Softlight Reflector White 65 °.
bg Български

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