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Lightmeter Sekonic Litemaster Pro L-478DR Litemaster Pro

Sekonic Litemaster Pro L-478DR Litemaster Pro
Sekonic Litemaster Pro L-478DR Litemaster Pro Sekonic Litemaster Pro L-478DR Litemaster Pro Sekonic Litemaster Pro L-478DR Litemaster Pro Sekonic Litemaster Pro L-478DR Litemaster Pro Sekonic Litemaster Pro L-478DR Litemaster Pro
  • Easy to use
  • Color touchscreen display Remote control of flash units equipped with PocketWizard ControlTL Metering range: Ambient light EV -2 to 22.9 (approx f / 2 at 15 sec to f / 22.9 at 1/8000 sec.) / Reflected: EV 3 to 19.9 Radio Frequency Compatibility with PocketWizard Intermediate Calibration Capability
Price: 995,00 BGN
Free delivery
Free delivery
for orders above 100 lv


The LITEMASTER PRO L-478 is Sekonic's first digital multimeter with a color touch screen. The unit offers unique functionality for both photographers and cinematographers.
The L-478DR has a unique remote control capability to boost the impulse strength of different groups of flash units equipped with PocketWizard ControlTL transmitters.
The use of the Sekonic DTS system allows the device to be calibrated according to the particularities and dynamic range of the camera used.
The L-478DR offers new and highly expanded movie and video functionality to create your own k / s and shutter angle values, as well as list names and correction filters.

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