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Microphone OM SYSTEM (Olympus) TP-8 Teleconferencing microphone

OM SYSTEM (Olympus) TP-8 Teleconferencing microphone
OM SYSTEM (Olympus) TP-8 Teleconferencing microphone OM SYSTEM (Olympus) TP-8 Teleconferencing microphone
  • Headphone and microphone in one, allowing recording from phone
  • Suitable for recording phone calls
  • Plugs directly into the microphone jack
  • Connector: 1/8" (3.5mm) mini jack
  • Cable length: 1.47 m
Price: 59,00 BGN

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The Olympus TP-8 microphone combines a teleconferencing microphone and a headset in one small device.

It is ideal for recording phone calls and is suitable for most mobile phones. All you have to do is plug the TP-8 into the microphone jack of your recorder and put the handset in your ear. Although the TP-8 is ideal for cellular phones, it also works for landlines and DECT calls.

Small, medium and large ear tips are included for added comfort.

Box contents

Om System (Olympus) Tp-8 Teleconferencing Microphone

3 x Headphone plugs (Small / Medium / Large

Price: 59,00 BGN
bg Български

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