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Accessory Lastolite triflip 3696 Basic set 8 in 1 75 cm

Lastolite triflip 3696 Basic set 8 in 1 75 cm
Lastolite triflip 3696 Basic set 8 in 1 75 cm Lastolite triflip 3696 Basic set 8 in 1 75 cm
  • TriFlip 8 in 1 is suitable for photographers who work on their own, enabling them to hold the reflector in the way they want, and at the same time be free to work with their camera. Identical like the Deluxe Kit (3699), but without a tripod and holding the TriGrip console. 1 x 75cm (30 ") TriGrip diffuser - 2 stops 1 x set of 75cm (30") TriFlip reflective surfaces containing white, silver, softsilver, gold, sleepliner, sleeper and black surface. 1 x strap bag
Price: 219,00 BGN
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