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final price
Code: 104090272
Total sum with VAT: 349,00 BGN
Pay: 7 529,00 BGN
Choose Full Insurance: insure your new equipment at a price of 263,52 BGN

We are currently waiting for the delivery of the chosen product Wacom Cintiq Pro 27.

You can remove the product from the shopping cart or confirm your order, and our employee will contact you to specify the delivery time.

Code: 132010078
Total sum with VAT: 7 529,00 BGN
Price: 5 489,00 BGN
Pay: 4 899,00 BGN
You save: 590,00 BGN

The product you choose: Wacom Cintiq Pro 24 Touch is delivered to order.

You can remove the product from the shopping cart or confirm your order, and our employee will contact you to specify the delivery time.

Thank you for your interest!

Code: 132010048
Total sum with VAT: 4 899,00 BGN
Price: 1 759,00 BGN
Pay: 1 299,00 BGN
You save: 460,00 BGN
Code: 132010057
Total sum with VAT: 1 299,00 BGN
Pay: 8 729,00 BGN
Choose Full Insurance: insure your new equipment at a price of 305,52 BGN

The product you choose: Wacom Cintiq Pro 27 with Stand is delivered to order.

You can remove the product from the shopping cart or confirm your order, and our employee will contact you to specify the delivery time.

Thank you for your interest!

Code: 132010079
Total sum with VAT: 8 729,00 BGN
Price: 4 699,00 BGN
Pay: 4 259,00 BGN
You save: 440,00 BGN
Choose Full Insurance: insure your new equipment at a price of 149,07 BGN

The product you choose: Wacom Cintiq Pro 24 (DTK-2420) is delivered to order.

You can remove the product from the shopping cart or confirm your order, and our employee will contact you to specify the delivery time.

Thank you for your interest!

Code: 132010047
Total sum with VAT: 4 259,00 BGN
Pay: 5 299,00 BGN
Choose Full Insurance: insure your new equipment at a price of 185,47 BGN

The product you choose: Wacom Cintiq Pro 17 is delivered to order.

You can remove the product from the shopping cart or confirm your order, and our employee will contact you to specify the delivery time.

Thank you for your interest!

Code: 132010084
Total sum with VAT: 5 299,00 BGN
Pay: 6 999,00 BGN
Choose Full Insurance: insure your new equipment at a price of 244,97 BGN

The product you choose: Wacom 15.6″ Mobile Studio Pro 16 i7 512GB Gen2 is delivered to order.

You can remove the product from the shopping cart or confirm your order, and our employee will contact you to specify the delivery time.

Thank you for your interest!

Code: 132010066
Total sum with VAT: 6 999,00 BGN
Pay: 7 549,00 BGN
Choose Full Insurance: insure your new equipment at a price of 264,22 BGN

The product you choose: Wacom Cintiq Pro 22 with stand is delivered to order.

You can remove the product from the shopping cart or confirm your order, and our employee will contact you to specify the delivery time.

Thank you for your interest!

Code: 132010086
Total sum with VAT: 7 549,00 BGN
Price: 2 729,00 BGN
Pay: 1 949,00 BGN
You save: 780,00 BGN
Choose Full Insurance: insure your new equipment at a price of 68,22 BGN
Code: 132010064
Total sum with VAT: 1 949,00 BGN
Price: 779,00 BGN
Pay: 759,00 BGN
You save: 20,00 BGN
Choose Full Insurance: insure your new equipment at a price of 26,57 BGN
Code: 102020057
Total sum with VAT: 759,00 BGN
Discount code:
  • Price of products: 49 619,00 BGN
  • Shipping: FREE
  • Total payment amount: 49 619,00 BGN
You save in total: 2 290,00 BGN
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