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Sigma lenses for different types and brands of cameras Filters and accessories


Sigma, a Japanese corporation founded in 1961, specializes in the production of cameras, lenses, flashes and various photo accessories. The production is entirely based in Japan.

In PhotoSynthesis stores you will find the renowned Sigma lenses and brand flashes that are compatible with the cameras of almost all photographic manufacturers - Canon, Nikon, Olympus, Sony, etc., as well as photo filters, adapters and other Sigma accessories.

Директива за общото зарядно устройство

Уважаеми клиенти,

моля, имайте предвид, че съгласно директива (ЕС) 2022/2380, производителите ще доставят всички цифрови фотоапарати, видеокамери, слушалки и др. под. устройства без USB адаптер за зареждане на батерията.
Известие относно USB адаптери