Studio & Lighting Equipment 457 - 468 of 469
Background Dynaphos rail system, 2 transverse, 2 longitudinal 3 pantographs
- Rail system consisting of: Longitudinal rails: 2 Length of the longitudinal rails: 3 m. Transverse rails: 2 Length of the cross rails: 3 m. Pantographs: 3

You can order it now and our employee will contact you with details of the delivery time within the next business day.
Background Manfrotto Panoramic Background Chromakey 4x2.3m (green)
- Portable folding background system
- Ideal for live stream and post production
- Large enough working area to shoot from different angles of multiple subjects
- 3-section aluminum construction allows it to be used flat or with folded side frames
- Extremely easy and quick assembly
- Width: 4 m
- Height: 2.3m
- Weight: 9kg
- Dimensions when folded: 104x35x30cm
- Storage and transport bag
You can order it now and our employee will contact you with details of the delivery time within the next business day.
Reflector Godox Knowled LiteFlow 25 Reflector Kit
- Set of aluminum reflectors 25x25 cm - 4 pcs.
- Color coding according to the different degrees of diffusion
- Mounting slot
- Easy angle adjustment
- Possibility of multiple redirection of light from one source
- Includes carrying bag
- Weight: 403 g.
Product is available in:
ФотоСинтезис София, бул. “Васил Левски” 57
Currently: closed (work hours 10:00-20:00)
Background Dynaphos Rail system, 3 transverse, 2 longitudinal, 3 pantographs
- Track system consisting of: Longitudinal rails: 2 Length of the longitudinal rails: 3 m. Transverse rails: 3 Length of the cross rails: 3 m. Pantographs: 3
Product is available in:
ФотоСинтезис София, бул. “Васил Левски” 57
Currently: closed (work hours 10:00-20:00)
Reflector Godox P68 Parabolic Reflector Zoom Box Kit
- Parabolic light focusing system
- Suitable for fashion and portrait photography
- It provides smooth dispersion of light flux, beautiful contrast and flexibility
- Diameter: 68 cm.
- Highly reflective silver interior
- 24 reiki
- Kit includes PF-M mount, PB-G1 grip kit, flash adapter ( Bowens mount), PF-R670 focus tube, carrying bag
You can receive a notification when it is available or order now, and we will ship it to you as soon as possible.
If you order now, our employee will contact you with delivery details.
Tripod Manfrotto B6040X Avenger Super Wind Up 40 Stand
- Feet diameter: 35 mm
- Section diameter: 70, 60, 50 mm
- Folded length: 196 cm
- Max. height: 386 cm
- Max. load capacity: 80 kg
- Material: Steel
- Min. height: cm
- Tip: 28 mm
- Sharpening: 180 cm
- Weight: 40.9 kg
You can order it now and our employee will contact you with details of the delivery time within the next business day.
Reflector Godox Knowled LiteFlow 50 Reflector Kit
- Set of aluminum reflectors 50x50 cm - 4 pcs.
- Color coding according to the different degrees of diffusion
- Mounting slot
- Easy angle adjustment
- Possibility of multiple redirection of light from one source
- Includes carrying bag
- Weight: 1430 g.
Product is available in:
ФотоСинтезис София, бул. “Васил Левски” 57
Currently: closed (work hours 10:00-20:00)
Lightmeter Sekonic C-800 Spectromaster
- Measures LED, HMI, fluorescent, tungsten, natural light and flash from 380 to 780 nanometers
- Advanced color rendering properties
- Advanced color management options
- Wide range of color temperature measurement
- Easy to use design
You can order it now and our employee will contact you with details of the delivery time within the next business day.
Spot Profoto Dedolight DP-1 Attachment
- Flash attachment MultiSpot Fresnel Flash Head
- It is used to design light accents (spots), to create theatrical lighting effects or to design shapes and patterns.
You can order it now and our employee will contact you with details of the delivery time within the next business day.
Reflector Godox Knowled Liteflow Reflektor Kit K1
- Set of 16 reflectors in 4 different sizes, 4 degrees of diffusion
- Aluminum coating
- Different degree of diffusion - Hard, Medium, Soft, Strip
- Color coding
- Easy and precise angle adjustment
- Possibility of multiple redirection of light from one source
- Includes tools, cleaning kit, carry bag
- Weight: 8.2 kg
Product is available in:
ФотоСинтезис София, бул. “Васил Левски” 57
Currently: closed (work hours 10:00-20:00)
Reflector Godox Knowled Liteflow 100 Reflector Kit
- Set of double-sided reflectors 100x100cm - 2 pcs.
- Aluminum coating
- Different degree of diffusion - Hard, Medium, Soft, Strip
- Color coding
- Easy and precise angle adjustment
- Possibility of multiple redirection of light from one source
- Includes mounting frames and protectors
- Weight: 18.12 kg.
You can order it now and our employee will contact you with details of the delivery time within the next business day.
Reflector Godox Knowled Liteflow 100 Reflector Travel Kit
- Set of double-sided reflectors 100x100 cm - 2 pcs.
- Aluminum coating
- Different degree of diffusion - Hard, Medium, Soft, Strip
- Color coding
- Easy and precise angle adjustment
- Possibility of multiple redirection of light from one source
- Includes carrying case
- Weight: 18.12 kg.
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За да може Вашето искане да бъде обработено и удовлетворено, е необходимо да предоставите нужните за това данни, като се съгласявате:
- да получавате съответните системни съобщения, свързани с искането по телефон и / или чрез електронна поща;
- необходима част от данните (имена, адрес за доставка, телефонен номер и др.) бъде предоставена на куриерска фирма, която ще транспортира нужните пратки;
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Липсата на съответното съгласие прави невъзможно използването на онлайн магазина на PhotoSynthesis за заявяване на рекламация на стоки.
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