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Accessory X-Rite ColorChecker White Balance

X-Rite ColorChecker White Balance
  • ColorChecker Custom White Balance is a scientifically designed, absolutely neutral white standard that provides a uniform and spectrally neutral surface for all illumination.
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The ColorChecker Custom White Balance is a standard for adjusting the white balance of digital cameras, for accurate, even and neutral white reproduction in all lighting conditions.

When the lighting conditions change, your camera starts to reproduce white in a different way, which also affects the other colors in the image. Most white standards are not completely neutral, resulting in color variance under different lighting conditions.

The ColorChecker Custom White Balance is a scientifically designed, absolutely neutral white standard, providing a uniform and spectral neutral surface in all lighting conditions.

The ColorChecker Custom White Balance also lets you adjust the sensitivity of your digital camera to exactly match the lighting conditions in your work environment.

The ColorChecker White Balance standard corresponds to the white box in the multicolor ColorChecker Classic test scale.

Dimensions: 21.59 x 27.94 cm

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