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Lens Adapter Canon lens adapter with Canon EF (-S) mount to camera with Canon M mount

Canon lens adapter with Canon EF (-S) mount to camera with Canon M mount
  • Small and lightweight EF-M adapter for EOS M compatible Compatible with Canon's full range of EF and EF-S lenses Removable tripod stand
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Compact and lightweight to fit the Canon EOS M, the EF-EOS M adapter lets you use all Canon EF and EF-S lenses with your mirrorless camera. In addition to standard brand lenses, you can experiment with special lenses such as Macro or Fish Eye. The EF-EOS M Adapter includes a removable tripod stand to ensure perfect camera balance when shooting with heavy lenses.

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на 14.02. (петък) ФотоСинтезис Варна ще работи с намалено работно време до 18:00 часа, а на 15.05. (събота) няма да работи с клиенти.

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Работно време Варна 14-15.02.